We look back at the classic seventies science fiction show, The Six Million Dollar Man, starring Lee Majors as Steve Austin.
The 70s were a time when television would seem to try anything at least once. Science Fiction was one of the main genres where this was very true. Thanks to the success of series like Star Trek, and Lost in Space there was a deluge of, off beat and actually good genre TV (as we explored on last week’s Land of the Lost episode). Typically it was with some sort of toy tie-in or angle to get children to watch and/or buy something. And just wait until Star Wars happened.
But, the early 70s would find a new kind of hero to grab the hearts and minds of kids across the country and he’d bring with him some of the coolest toys around. Because, he was literally made up of metal and plastic himself.
The Six Million Dollar Man would jump into television history with a premise that was brilliant, cutting edge, and perfect TV fodder. It would also make a heartthrob and icon out of a guy named Lee Majors. Who would eventually play the father to our lord and savior Ash Williams…but that’s another show.
On this episode of Gone But Not Forgotten, we have the technology and capability to make the first episode all about The Six Million Dollar Man. This will be that episode!
This episode of Gone But Not Forgotten is written baby Jessica Dwyer, edited by Cesar Gabriel, narrated by Travis Hopson and produced by Dave Arroyo.
Originally published at https://www.joblo.com/the-six-million-dollar-man-1973-1978-gone-but-not-forgotten/